Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog’s press release on the atrocity Ferenc Orosz suffered

I was shocked to be informed of the fact that Ferenc Orosz, the Chairman of the Raoul Wallenberg Association, was attacked by neo-nazis on 28 April 2013. Ferenc Orosz, with whom we jointly realised the Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Year, is a real companion in arms and an old friend both of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and myself.

I deeply condemn what has happened. Minister of Interior Sándor Pintér has assured the members of the Government that he will take all possible action to apprehend the perpetrators.

Ferenc Orosz was assaulted because he spoke out against hate speech. However, this foul deed has not dissuaded us and in fact has strengthened our resolve to take the most decisive possible action against all manifestations of hate speech and behaviour in the future. The blows were sustained not only by the chairman of an organisation that stands up for human rights, and a member of FIDESZ, but are also an assault against all Hungarian people of good heart.

Zoltán Balog

Minister for Human Resources